1. Those who deny God's sovereignty
There have always been false teachers who try to lead people away from God. A false teacher despises God's authority and tells people to do what they feel like doing. False teachers deny the authority of God's word. Many people follow the shameful ways of such teachers, and bring the way of truth into disrepute. These false teachers, in their greed and arrogance, exploit God's people with lies and half-truths.
2. God of judgment and salvation
God is just. He punished even the angels who sinned and cast them into hell; he brought a flood on the ungodly people of the ancient world, but he saved Noah, a preacher of righteousness. He made the wicked Sodom an example of his coming judgment on the ungodly world. He showed his mercy when he rescued Lot from Sodom. He will punish those who despise authority and who follow the desires of the sinful nature.
Application: Lord, help me to acknowledge your lordship and not live by my sinful desires.
One Word: God's word or my feelings?