Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Thessalonians 2:1~12
Keyverse : 8

1. Don't be deceived (1-4)

Many people have an unnecessary curiosity about the time of Jesus' second coming. The believers in Thessalonica were upset by a report that Jesus' second coming had already occurred. Jesus said that no one knows when he will come again. When he comes, everyone will know it. In the meantime, the devil is working hard to deceive God's people. Lawlessness and rebellion come from the devil. Jesus' people must not be drawn into either one.

2. The man of lawlessness (5-12)

Before Jesus comes again Satan will make a great effort to lead the whole world astray--as he is doing now! He will send a lawless one and equip him with power to do miracles and signs to deceive those who are perishing. The lawless one will exalt himself over God. Men are deceived because they do not love the truth, but delight in wickedness. Those who love the truth will be saved. Jesus will destroy the lawless one by the splendor of his coming.

Application: Praise Jesus who will come in splendor and bring victory. Lord, help me to love the truth and welcome him with joy.
One Word: Jesus is coming in splendor. Love truth