1. Greetings (1-2)
Paul wrote this letter shortly after writing 1 Thessalonians. He had received some news from Thessalonica, so now he wrote again to encourage the believers. He begins with his classic greeting: 'Grace and peace to you...' Grace and peace go together. Both are God's gifts to us through our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Growing in faith and love (3-4)
When worldly people encounter trials, their love grows cold and they are full of complaints. But when God's people persevere in the midst of suffering, their faith grows and their love increases. Paul thanks God for the growing faith and love of the believers.
3. Jesus will come from heaven (5-7)
God is just, so revenge is a useless motive. When Jesus comes in power and glory, he will pay back those who persecute his children. And those who suffer for his sake will be counted worthy of his kingdom.
Application: Lord, help me to persevere in trial so that my faith and love may grow.
One Word: Grow in faith and in love