Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Corinthians 9:6~11
Keyverse : 8

1. Sow generously (6)

Giving is like sowing seed. If we sow generously, we will reap a large harvest. If we give with a grudging heart because we feel compelled to do so by the pressure of others, then God is not pleased, and the harvest will be small.

2. God is able (7-11)

There is another reason for giving with a glad and generous heart. God loves a cheerful giver, and God is the source of all blessings. Just as he supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, he promises to increase our ability to give and enlarge our harvest of righteousness. He makes us rich in every way--not so that we can pursue selfish pleasure, but so that we can give generously to others. When we give generously and joyfully because we love God, then others will praise and thank God, and God will be glorified.

Application: Lord, increase my faith so that I can be a generous and sacrificial giver, and please you.
One Word: God loves a cheerful giver