Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Corinthians 8:8~15
Keyverse : 9

1. Think about Jesus (8-9)

When we remember Jesus, our sacrifices look small. Jesus gave up the glory, power and privilege of heaven to come and live among men. He was born in a manger; he had no house or car or computer. He served others: He touched and healed lepers; he cast out demons; he forgave prostitutes and tax collectors and endured criticism from 'good' people. He died in agony as a criminal on a Roman cross to give us the spiritual riches of forgiveness of sin, peace with God, eternal life and the kingdom of heaven.

2. Think about others (10-15)

The believers in Jerusalem were poor and persecuted. At first, the Corinthians had been eager to help; but their enthusiasm had flagged. Paul encouraged them to overcome selfishness and finish what they had started. Giving should be done with a willing heart. There should be equality--no one should have too much and no one too little.

Application: Lord, help me to follow Jesus. Help me to think of others before myself. Help me to give and serve with a willing heart.
One Word: You know the grace of our Lord