Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Corinthians 8:1~7
Keyverse : 5

1. The grace God gave the Macedonians (1-4)

Paul wanted the Corinthians to learn from the churches in Macedonia (Philippi and Thessalonica). When Paul told them of his plan to encourage the Gentile churches to send an offering to the suffering believers in Jerusalem, the Macedonian churches gave generously and sacrificially. They eagerly wanted to participate--even though they were suffering from extreme poverty.

2. They first gave themselves to the Lord (5-7)

For these Christians, it was a great privilege to give sacrificially for the saints in Jerusalem. Why? Because they first gave themselves to the Lord, then to God's servants, according to God's will. God blessed them with the grace of a generous, giving spirit. So their giving was joyful, not burdensome. They were not trying to impress anybody. They just loved Jesus and were full of his grace and love, and their sacrificial giving was an expression of this. Paul urges the Corinthian and us to excel in the grace of giving.

Application: Lord, give me the grace of sacrificial giving. I want to give myself to you and to your people, so that I can learn the grace of sacrificial giving.
One Word: First give yourself to the Lord