Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Corinthians 7:2~16
Keyverse : 10

1. We would live or die for you (2-7)

Because of his genuine love for God's people in Corinth, Paul had rebuked them severely about some matter, and he feared that his relationship with them could not stand the strain. He was encouraged by the return of his co-worker and intern shepherd, Titus. Titus reported that those whom Paul had rebuked were genuinely sorry for their sins and had realized that his rebuking came from his love for them. Real love brings the loved one to God.

2. Godly sorrow and worldly sorrow (8-16)

Paul did not regret the hurt and sorrow he had caused, because their sorrow was godly sorrow which led them to repentance. Worldly sorrow is self-pity, and it leads to death. But godly sorrow leads one to examine his life before God and repent. God then gives healing and forgiveness and refreshment of spirit. Their love for Paul became deeper than before.

Application: Lord, teach me the godly sorrow that leads to repentance and life.
One Word: Godly sorrow leads to repentance