Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 1Corinthians 3:10~15
Keyverse : 11

1. The only sure foundation (10-11)

Paul, an apostle to the Gentile world, specialized in laying foundations. The only foundation that will stand up under the stress of living is the solid-rock foundation of Jesus Christ, crucified, buried and raised from death. When one accepts Jesus' death for his sins, believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and takes up his own cross to follow and obey Jesus, the one solid foundation is laid in his life. We must help those with whom we study to repent and believe in Jesus; then we too can lay solid foundations.

2. Build a fire-proof building (12-15)

A life that will stand the test of fire is the one that is built on the study of and obedience to the word of God. Then, when the day of final reckoning comes, the fruit of our lives, i.e., the building we have built, will stand.

Application: Lord, help me lay solid foundations and build a house that will stand, by believing, living and teaching the gospel.
One Word: No foundation but Jesus